Super Stainless, the new stainless steel rust remover and cleaner

Stainless Steel doesn’t rust right? – WRONG!

Introducing Super Stainless, the new stainless steel rust remover and cleaner. While stainless steel is expected on the whole to be stain free, rusting and staining can often still occur on the surface, even top quality marine grade stainless steel can become rust stained given the correct conditions. Spotless Stainless TM is a product which reaches those troublesome spots where rust sets in and removes it for good. It also protects the steel from further rust damage.

Stainless steel rust remover

This is a simple and easy to use product that is specially formulated to permanently destroy the unsightly rusting that can tarnish your whole product.

  • Easily used and effective
  • Non-toxic
  • Biodegradable
  • Can greatly extend the life of steel fittings



For more information on this stainless steel rust remover and other products, please contact our sales team.